Born from the union of creative architects who collaborate with each other for years and are passionate about always and as always the materialization of their idea. Passion enriched by a profound synergy that is established over time with the workshops of Master Craftsmen.The union between mind and matter created our design philosophy where there must be a direct contact between the passionate and creative thinking and expert hand that gives it life.

Marble, iron, wood, earth and glass are the distinguishing features of our concept: linearity, simplicity and formal elegance, naturalness with some reflected light to bring out the detail. Blank sheet of paper dust from the workshop to tell your story with other stories to tell because of the material, because of that idea, and what value has been added by the expert hand to move with ease. We will always have the curiosity for others and the desire for intrigue others.

Marco and Michela


Creativity, passion, research and development, searching for new material, teamwork and new synergies: this is our lifestyle.Passion can be see in our eyes when we tell you about a story of a product, the reason of that material, the hands that worked thet material and the emotion we want to convey.

“We spend many hours in the artisans’ labs: they help us to make our ideas something of concrete, thanks to an intense work, without which, creativity can not become an object of design.”

It has been this daily experience of synthesis between creative thought and craft Made in Italy that has prompted us to found the Filodesign brand, which it means a way of living, with simplicity and elegance and respect for the materials and elements that surround us: water, light, air.

Our concept is filling by emptying space, looking for lightness in every matter, with poetry and a touch of curiosity. Marble, steel, glass, but also water, light and color become our material to be designed, molded, illuminated.

Made in Italy

Excellence and creativity

All Filodesign products are entirely made in Italy, from the design, to the selection of materials, to the production, from the prototype to the finished product and ready to use. Particular importance is given by designers to the choice of materials on national territory, in union with the skilled experience of Craftsmen. Italy enjoys the widest tradition of “craftsmanship” and the excellence of this manual production is recognized worldwide.

So Filodesign combines in itself : genius, creativity and manualness of excellence.On the one hand, we see the daily being increasingly invaded by technology, computer science and robotics, and on the other hand, we increasingly value the work based on human-based skills that the machines will not succeed in replacing. All Filodesign products are the fruitful and experienced fruit of a great Italian craftsmanship tradition. The result is the production of pieces that are unique, worked one by one depending on the material, according to a precise and studied design, passing from one workshop to the other until the completion of the finished element.